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My name is Felix Kimutai and I am a software developer (self-taught) from Nairobi, kenya .

I am a big fan of the Feynman Learning Technique, which states that if you want to learn something new then do the following

  • Choose a concept you want to learn about
  • Pretend you are teaching it to a student in grade 6
  • Identify gaps in your explanation; Go back to the source material, to better understand it.
  • Review and simplify (optional).

To teach is to learn twice, I make an effort to teach what I have learned in the simplest way possible. Think of it as open-source learning.

If you like the content you’ve seen here, let’s connect! if you have questions or feedback. I will be happy to help.

I love helping and creating meaningful relationships with everyone who is interested to connect with me. I believe We can learn from each other and improve.

This blog is a modified version of this open source project (bootcamp) by Mr Vitor Freitas , you can checkout his blog here simple is better than complex .

In addition to coding and learning new things, I also enjoy volunteering in projects that help the community, bike riding, meeting new people, and trying out new meals. If you also have the same interests, feel free to reach out to me.

You can get in touch with me via email or Twitter