How to Host your Django StaticFiles and MediaFiles on DigitalOcean Spaces Object Storage

Feb. 15, 2021, 11:01 a.m.

DigitalOcean is an American company providing cloud services, once you have created your Django app and you feel like it is complete and ready to be used you can deploy it to digital ocean.

In this tutorial we are going to use DigitalOcean Spaces Object Storage to host our static and media files to DigitalOcean.

If you do not have a DigitalOcean account you can create one using this link Create an account on DigitalOcean (This is a referral link if you sign up using this link me and you are going to benefit ), After you sign up you will receive a $100, 60-day credit.

We are going to be using a Django app I have prepared to demonstrate the whole process

This is the app we will be using

our app

Download or clone this app from github here :


Before getting started , you will first need to install boto3 and django-storages, we will do so with the following commands

pip install boto3
pip install django-storages

After that, make sure storages is included in the installed apps section in the file , in our app it will look like this


You can see storages just before picha, Picha is a Django app that I created , it is a simple photo gallery app that is displaying the dog photos above.

( bytheway Picha is kiswahili word for picture )

Our file is simple , it looks like this

from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404

from picha.models import Picture
from picha.forms import PictureForm

def home(request):
    images = Picture.objects.all()
    return render(request, "picha/home.html", {'images': images})

def add_picture(request):
    form = PictureForm()
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = PictureForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            return redirect('home')
    return render(request, "picha/picture_form.html", {'form': form})

def edit_picture(request, id):
    image = get_object_or_404(Picture, pk=id)
    form = PictureForm(instance=image)
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = PictureForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=image)
        if form.is_valid():
            return redirect('home')
    return render(request, "picha/picture_form.html", {'form': form})

Our models .py file looks like this

from django.db import models

class Picture(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    image = models.ImageField()

    def __str__(self):

from django import forms
from picha.models import Picture

class PictureForm(forms.ModelForm):
    name = forms.CharField(
       widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}),

    class Meta:
        model = Picture
        fields = ['name', 'image']

We also have two templates , home.html and picture_form.html

home.html looks like this

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}
<div class="container">

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-8 my-2">
        <a href="{% url 'add_picture' %}" class="btn btn-success" >upload </a>     

  <div class="row">
     {% for image in images %}
        <div class="col-md-4 mb-3">
          <div class="card">

            <div class="card-header">
             <a class="float-right" href="{% url 'edit_picture'  %}">Edit</a>          

            <div class="card-body"><img style="width:100%;height:200px;" src="{{ image.image.url}}"></div>
        {% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:3 %}</div><div class="row">{% endif %}
     {% endfor %}


{% endblock %}

In the above html file , you can see that each row will display three images

The other html file is picture_form.html

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}

<div class="container"> 
  {% if %}
     <h1 class='text-center'>Edit picture</h1>
  {% else %}
     <h1 class='text-center'>Upload picture </h1>
  {% endif %}
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-4">
      <form action="" method="post" enctype='multipart/form-data'>
        {% csrf_token %}
        {% for field in form %}
        <div class="form-group">
          {{ field.errors }}
          {{ field.label_tag }}
          {{ field }}
        {% endfor %}

        <input type="submit" value="upload" class="btn btn-primary">

{% endblock %}

Now DigitalOcean spaces configuration will be contained in two files

  1. A custom file we created called

  2. file

This file is created on the same level as the file , by doing so we would not have to import the module in file.

We wrote our own storage class by inheriting S3Boto3Storage , our file looks like this

from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage

class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage):

    location = 'mediafiles'

    file_overwrite = False

class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage):

    location = 'staticfiles'

    file_overwrite = False

The above code will make sure that all static files and media files will be copied to a folder called staticfiles and mediafiles respectively when python collectstatic command is run, the folders will be created automatically in our bucket.

You will see how we will create our bucket in DigitalOcean later, think of a bucket as our parent folder in DigitalOcean that will contain staticfiles and mediafiles.

file_overwrite = False simply means do not overwrite files with same name

Our file will have the following settings



AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'our-project-space'


    'CacheControl': 'max-age=86400',

AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = 'public-read'


STATIC_URL = 'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, 'staticfiles')

MEDIA_URL =  'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, 'mediafiles')

STATICFILES_STORAGE =  'custom_storages.StaticStorage'

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage'


This is Amazon Web Services access key, I will show you how to get this value from DigitalOcean.


This is your Amazon Web Services secret access key, we will also learn how to get this value from DigitalOcean


This is your Amazon Web Services storage bucket name , In our example our bucket name is 'our-project-space', you can set this name in DigitalOcean.


This is the URL that will be used to access our remote DigitalOcean space, this we will get from DigitalOcean


This is used to set parameters on all objects, in our example we have
'CacheControl': 'max-age=86400'

Here we are simply setting how long in seconds content stays in the cache


This is set to 'public-read' which ensures that the files will be publicly accessible to end users.


Here we are specifying signature version to use, we will be setting it to 's3v4' since all regions support V4.


This points to the URL where our static files will be located in our DigitalOcean bucket , the value you use here should be the same as the one declared in .

In our our static files are set to be located in a directory called 'staticfiles' so we are going to use that and join it with our AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL like so

So our STATIC_URL will be :

'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, 'staticfiles')


This is similar to STATIC_URL setting above but now the location will be mediafiles just like it is in file and now the whole thing would look like

'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, 'mediafiles')


This setting will allow python collectstatic command to automatically put our static files in our bucket .

In our case we wrote our own storage class by inheriting S3Boto3Storage , now we are going to point to our class like this

STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage'


This is the same as STATICFILES_STORAGE setting above but now we will set it to point to our MediaStorage class in our file


The next step now is getting the values we need from DigitalOcean , we will use those in our and complete our setup

After creating your DigitalOcean account, log in and click on the green button labeled create and then click on space


You will land on a page that looks like this

create space

Chose your datacenter I chose New York

Scroll down , skip the CDN part since we will not be using CDN in this tutorial, leave Allow File listing the way it is, it is always set as Restrict file listing.

Create a unique name for your space here, the name I chose was our-project-space and click create space


The next page after creating our DigitalOcean space looks like this

space home page

Click on New Folder , here what we want to do is to create our folder where all our files will be dumped, this will be our AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME , basically this is a bucket where our static files and media files will be located.

The folders mediafiles and staticfiles will be created automatically inside this bucket just as we declared in STATICFILES_STORAGE and DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE

I named mine our-project-space , I chose same name for my space and bucket name.

bucket name

The above photo shows the folder I created , type the name of your bucket there , my bucket name again was our-project-space

Next what we need is AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, click on the API on your side bar , scroll down to spaces access keys

spaces access keys

Click generate new key

Give our spaces access key a name as shown below after that click the check mark and your keys will be generated

access key name

After naming your key and clicking the check mark you will see the following page

access keys

You need now to copy the Secret key and put it somewhere on your local computer since these will disappear if you refresh the page and you will have to regenerate them again.

( Note: I will be deleting the above access keys , this was just for demonstration purposes )

Now we have everything we need, it is now time to test whether it is working.

I have already prepared a Django app for you to test this , you can find it here :

Clone or download it, go to the file



AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'our-project-space'


    'CacheControl': 'max-age=86400',

AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = 'public-read'


STATIC_URL = 'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, 'staticfiles')

MEDIA_URL =  'https://%s/%s/' % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, 'mediafiles')

STATICFILES_STORAGE =  'custom_storages.StaticStorage'

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage'

After we generated our access keys, we were given two keys , a shorter one with few characters and a longer one .

The shorter one will be our AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

The longer one will be our AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME set your bucket name here , mine was our-project-space

Next value is AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, to get this value, you can click manage on your side bar , then spaces and then you will see a page like this


If you look closely you will see this link: below our-project-space name

That is the value that we will use as our AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL

Leave the rest of the settings as they are, Now it is time for us to test if it works

Go to your root direactory, and type this command

python collectstatic

This command will push all our static files to our DigitalOcean bucket and create these two files inside of our bucket

  • staticfiles
  • mediafiles

The static files will be going to staticfiles directory and the media files will be going to mediafiles directory.

Lets now start our server with the following command

python runserver

Upload a few images and your app should look somthing like this

home page photo

If you right click on one of the images and click view ( in firefox browser ) , you can see the image URL points to DigitalOcean. if you are using chrome you can inspect the image and check the URL of image.

dog image

If you look closely at the URL of this image , you will see that it is hosted in DigitalOcean.

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Dog photos were provided by @karsten116 on unsplash

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